Zobrazených 1–8 z 14099 výsledkov

Violetta Rozpoltené srdce – autor neuvedený

Je to iba pár týždňov, čo som sa vrátila do Buenos Aires, ale od tej chvíle sa môj život od základov zmenil. Nielenže mám teraz kamarátov, učím sa hrať na klavíri a vrátili sa mi spomienky na mamičku, ale chodím do umeleckej školy Štúdio 21 a vďaka tomu môžem študovať spev, ktorý je mojou veľkou vášňou. No tento nový život je zložitejší, než som čakala. Hlava sa mi točí zo všetkých problémov, čo mám doma, z úloh pre Štúdio a tiež preto, že moje srdce je rozpoltené medzi Tomasom a Leonom.

Doktorka plyšových hračiek Bublinkové trampoty – autor neuvedený

Doky s priateľkami Emmie a Almou sa rady hrajú s bublinkami. Ale keď sa Bublinkovej opičke minie mydlová voda, nemajú sa bublinky z čoho tvoriť. Alma naplní nádobku znova, ale zdá sa, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Opička stále nemôže robiť bublinky. Najvyšší čas, aby ju doktorka dôkladne vyšetrila!

Doktorka plyšových hračiek Môj zápisník – autor neuvedený

Prečítaj si o Doky, najlepšej doktorke hračiek! V novom príbehu sa dozvieš, ako vyliečila pokazenú havajskú bábiku, zoznámiš sa s Dokinými pacientmi a rodinou, ukáže ti, čo skrýva v doktorskom kufríku, a nechá ťa nazrieť do Veľkej knihy boľačiek. Čakajú ťa aj maľovanky a hádanky.

Popoluška Čítajme si nahlas – autor neuvedený

Príbeh o chudobnej Popoluške a zlej macoche očaril už generácie čitateľov. Vychutnajte si spolu so svojimi deťmi jeho nadčasový pôvab a prekrásne ilustrácie z dielne majstra filmových rozprávok Walta Disneyho.

Sofia Prvá Zimný príbeh – autor neuvedený

Sofia sa pripravuje na svoje prvé Vianoce s novou kráľovskou rodinou. Aké budú? Splnia sa jej očakávania? To sa dozvieš, keď si prečítaš jej Zimný príbeh.

Ultimate Travel List – autor neuvedený

Lonely Planet introduces explorers and armchair travelers alike to the new world of travel with this second edition of our best-selling Ultimate Travel. Our team has partnered with industry experts to rank over 150 new experiences and great adventures tailored for today's traveler.

Napoleon’s Plunder and the Theft of Veronese’s Feast – autor neuvedený

Napoleon's Plunder tells the remarkable story of Bonaparte's obsessive accrual of the spoils of war - his hoarding of art, artefacts and treasures from across the world, ostensibly taken for the French nation, but also very much for his own personal aggrandisement. For as his conquering army cut a swathe through Europe and North Africa, Napoleon demanded of his defeated enemies their most valuable statues and paintings. And the Emperor wanted nothing but the best, directly targeting the most magnificent works of the High Renaissance - the sculptures of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, the paintings of Raphael, Titian and Veronese.This unrivalled haul was placed on display in in the Louvre, the former palace of the French kings which Napoleon transformed into the greatest museum in the world - a museum that professedly belonged to the French people, but which was, too, a monument to Napoleon's power. In a wonderful narrative voice, Cynthia Saltzman interweaves the stories of Napoleon's military campaigns, uncovering the intricate negotiations through which he obtained his loot, with the histories of the plundered works themselves, exploring how these great masterpieces came into being. As much as a story of military might, this is an account of one of the most ambitious cultural projects ever conducted.The author ends with a reflection on the nature of art collecting in the past and the controversy surrounding the provenance of art today.

Peter Blake: Collage – autor neuvedený

Peter Blake (b. 1932) has remained constant and ground-breaking in his exploration of the medium of collage throughout his career spanning seven decades. Most recognised for his iconic 1967 cover for The Beatles' Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, Blake already understood the potential of collage as an art form as a student at the Royal College of Art in the 1950s, where his reputation as a founder and key proponent of the Pop Art movement was established. An avid collector, Blake's collages combine junkyard treasures and found objects with images from popular culture. He revisits themes drawn from his childhood - the entertainments of the circus, the glamour of the cinema and the showmanship of the wrestling ring - weaving detailed, often humorous narratives.From his early paintings depicting assembled fragments of popular imagery, to his found object constructions and his most recent digital print photo-collages, Blake has broadened the scope of what collage can be and communicate. Peter Blake Collage provides the first comprehensive survey of Peter Blake's work in the medium. It features an introductory text by Peter Blake, an essay by Patrick Elliott, Senior Curator of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, a recent interview with Peter Blake by Natalie Rudd, Senior Curator of the Arts Council Collection, over 250 colour reproductions and a newly compiled illustrated chronology.Published in in partnership with Waddington Custot.