Zobrazených 49–72 z 16378 výsledkov

Sherlock Holmes Volume 2 – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bantam

Since his first appearance in Beetons Christmas Annual in 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes has been one of the most beloved fictional characters ever created. Now, in two volumes, this new Bantam edition presents all 56 short stories and four novels featuring Conan Doyles classic hero--a truly complete collection of Sherlock Holmess adventures in crime now available in paperback! Volume II begins with The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. In addition, the loyal Dr. Watson has faithfully recorded Holmess feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the thrilling "Adventure of the Red Circle," Holmess tragic and fortunately premature farewell in "The Final Problem," and the 12 baffling adventures from The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle's incomparable tales bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where for more than forty years Sherlock Holmes earned his undisputed reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.

Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bantam

Since his first appearance in Beetons Christmas Annual in 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes has been one of the most beloved fictional characters ever created. Now, in two volumes, this new Bantam edition presents all 56 short stories and 4 novels featuring Conan Doyles classic hero -- a truly complete collection now available in paperback! Volume I includes the early novel, A Study in Scarlet, that introduced the eccentric genius of Sherlock Holmes to the world. This baffling murder mystery, with the cryptic word Rache written in blood, first brought Holmes together with Dr. John Watson. Next, The Sign of Four presents Holmess famous "seven percent solution" and the strange puzzle of Marry Mortson in the quintessential locked room mystery. Also included are Holmes's feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases such as the chilling Adventure of the Specked Band, the baffling riddle of The Musgrave Ritual, and the ingeniously plotted The Five Orange Pips, tales that bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where Sherlock Holmes earned his reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.

Lepší život – Anna Gavalda

Svetoznáma súčasná francúzska autorka Anna Gavalda vyniká pozorovateľským aj rozprávačským talentom. Dôkazom je aj román Život v lepšom, ktorý vtipným spôsobom dôrazne upozorňuje na problémy súčasnosti. Mathilde a Yannovi sa život nevydaril podľa ich predstáv. Upadli do každodenného stereotypu. Mathilde pracuje vo firme svojho švagra v Paríži. Býva v prenajatom byte, ktorý chce so spolubývajúcimi zrekonštruovať. Tašku s peniazmi pre remeselníka kamarátky odovzdali Mathilde v kaviarni. No kým telefonovala, taška zmizla. Zjaví sa až o niekoľko dní, prekvapivo aj s obsahom. Muž, ktorý ju Mathilde donesie, jej predvedie, ako strážiť cennosti: kufrík pripevnený retiazkou k ruke má plný japonských nožov. Neskôr chce Matilde toho čudáka nájsť znovu a pátranie ju dovedie k vlastnému prebudeniu – na svet sa začne pozerať inými, otvorenými očami. Podobnú skúsenosť zažije aj Yann, keď jedného dňa zistí, že žiť sa dá aj inak, lepšie, vrúcnejšie, a život si netreba vypĺňať čakaním na to, až sa jedného dňa skončí.

Harry Potter. Magické miesta z filmov – Jody Revenson

Fanúšikovia Harryho Pottera pozor! Prichádza ďalšia úchvatná publikácia, ktorá odkrýva tajomstvá filmových archívov. Všetci sme pri pozeraní filmov podľahli čaru Rokfortského hradu, väznice Azkaban či Ministerstva mágie. Zapísali sa nám do pamäti rovnako ako obľúbené postavy z knižnej série o Harrym Potterovi. V tejto jedinečnej knihe máte šancu vidieť doteraz nezverejnené skice, fotografie z natáčania, zábery z filmov a spoznať mnohé ďalšie tajomstvá o navrhovaní a výrobe všetkých kúzelných miest pre filmové spracovania série o najpopulárnejšom čarodejníkovi. Kniha Harry Potter: Magické miesta z filmov je ďalšou publikáciou, ktorá nesmie chýbať v zbierke každého pravého fanúšika Harryho Pottera!

The Bluest Eye – Toni Morrison, Vintage Classics

Stunningly-designed new editions of Toni Morrison's best-known novels, published by Vintage Classics in celebration of her life and work. WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMS, AUTHOR OF QUEENIEPecola Breedlove longs for blond hair and blue eyes, so that she will be as beautiful and beloved as all the blond, blue-eyed children in America. In the autumn of 1941, the marigolds in her garden will not bloom, and her wish will not come true.Pecola's life is about to change in other painful and devastating ways. A powerful interrogation of what it means to conform to an idea of beauty, The Bluest Eye asks vital questions about race, class and gender and remains one of Toni Morrison's most unforgettable works.

Hoď do mňa kameňom. Spolužitie s Rómami na Slovensku – Jozef Hajko

Azda nič lepšie nevystihuje vzťah Rómov a Slovákov než biblická parafráza, ktorá naznačuje, že za súčasnú neradostnú situáciu nesú zodpovednosť obe strany. Publicista Jozef Hajko sa vo svojej tretej knihe venovanej citlivým spoločenským témam (Odsúdení na dohodu, 2011 - spolužitie Maďarov a Slovákov; Nezrelá republika, 2009 - SNP a Slovenský štát) je dejiny Rómov a ich život na území Slovenska od Uhorska až po súčasnosť, charakterizuje politiky jednotlivých režimov a prichádza k záveru, že hoci tu Rómovia žijú už vyše pol tisícročia, Slováci a Rómovia sa navzájom nepoznajú.

Look Up: Our Story With The Stars – Sarah Cruddas, HQ

Our story with the starsMost of us have never been to space. To date, of the more than 100 billion humans that have ever existed, fewer than 600 humans have ever left Earth. But the exploration of space is the most significant thing we will ever do as a species.Sarah Cruddas has been looking to the skies her entire life.Her childhood was spent staring at the Moon and hearing stories of the space race, and she worked in a fruit factory to fund her love of the subject. Her subsequent career studying astrophysics, and becoming a television host and space journalist has seen her report on space exploration and chase launches across the world. In Look Up Sarah explains why she has always been a passionate advocate for why space should matter - to everyone.From our ancestors who first painted patterns of the stars in caves, to the US and Soviet pioneers who first forged a path beyond our planet, Sarah Cruddas explores the stories and sacrifices that humankind has made to understand more about our place in the universe.And even today, when Moon walking and people in space suits seem less relevant to us than climate change and conflicts here on Earth, she shows how everything from medicine to mobile phones is affected by space technology, and how a new generation of entrepreneurs have kick-started a new story with the stars.This is an inspirational and enlightening introduction to the importance of space to everyone, and why we should all learn to Look Up.

Spodky Grázlika Gaba – Francesca Simon

V týchto štyroch príbehoch o Grázlikovi Gabovi sa dozviete, ako to vyzerá, keď je Gabo doma a chorý, ako motivovať svoje dieťa, aby namiesto sladkostí jedlo viac zeleniny, ako Gabo prišiel k dievčenskej bielizni, prečo sa nakoniec našla na chlapčenskom záchode a aké riziko prináša dobrý biznis medzi deckami v škole. Ak chcete vedieť viac, nech sa páči, prečítajte si ďalšiu knižku o Grázlikovi Gabovi!

The Great Journeys in History – autor neuvedený

Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, David Livingstone, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong: these are some of the greatest travellers of all time. This book chronicles their stories and many more, describing epic voyages of discovery from the extraordinary migrations out of Africa by our earliest ancestors to the latest voyages into space. In antiquity, we follow Alexander the Great to the Indus and Hannibal across the Alps, in medieval times we trek beside Genghis Khan and Ibn Battuta.The Renaissance brought Columbus to the Americas and the circumnavigation of the world. The following centuries saw gaps in the global maps filled by Tasman, Bering and Cook, and journeys made for scientific purposes, most famously by von Humboldt and Darwin. In modern times, the last inhospitable ends of the earth were reached - including both poles and the world's highest mountain - and new elements were conquered.With evocative photographs, paintings and portraits, The Great Journeys in History reveals the stories of those who were there first, who explored the unexplored and who set out into the unknown, bringing alive the romance and thrill of travel.

Future-Proof Your Business – autor neuvedený

A Financial Times book of the monthIt has never been more important for business leaders to look to the future. Yet, when we are living through some of the most uncertain times we have ever faced, it can feel daunting to know where to start. In Future-Proof Your Business, applied futurist Tom Cheesewright will reveal industry techniques and tools to help you: - Scan the near horizon for incoming shocks- Look to the far future to define long-term strategy- Accelerate decision-making in your business- Delegate power to the front line, speeding your response- Streamline your organisation so it's agile and can adapt to changeIn our uncertain times, leaders who keep their focus on the future will be the ones who prevail.

Beethoven – autor neuvedený

2020 marks 250 years since Beethoven's birthLudwig van Beethoven: to some, simply the greatest ever composer of Western classical music. Yet his life remains shrouded in myths, and the image persists of him as an eccentric genius shaking his fist at heaven. Beethoven by Oxford professor Laura Tunbridge cuts through the noise in a refreshing way.Each chapter focuses on a period of his life, a piece of music and a revealing theme, from family to friends, from heroism to liberty. It's a winning combination of rich biographical detail, insight into the music and surprising new angles, all of which can transform how you listen to his works. We discover, for example, Beethoven's oddly modern talent for self-promotion, how he was influenced by factors from European wars to instrument building, and how he was heard by contemporaries.This tour de force - published for the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth - provides a fresh overview and a wealth of material that has never been revealed to the wider public before. It's a compelling, human portrayal of Beethoven and a fascinating journey into one of the world's most amazing creative minds. 'Tunbridge has come up with the seemingly impossible: a new way of approaching Beethoven's life and music.. . profoundly original and hugely readable' John Suchet, author Beethoven: The Man Revealed'We are doubly blessed that Beethoven should have led such an extraordinary life.Laura has combined the two - the genius of his music and the richness of his experiences - to shine a revealing light on our greatest composer' John Humphrys 'This well researched and accessible book is a must read for all who seek to know more about the flesh and blood tangible Beethoven.' John Clubbe, author of Beethoven: The Relentless Revolutionary 'This book is really wonderful! ... However many books on Beethoven you own, find the space for one more. This one' Stephen Hough, pianist, composer, writer 'In a year when everyone's looking for a new take on Beethoven, Laura Tunbridge has found nine....Fresh and engaging' Norman Lebrecht, author of Genius and Anxiety'Remarkable . . .she captures the essence of his genius and character. I'll always want to keep it in easy reach' Julia Boyd, author of Travellers in the third Reich

Turci, Habsburgovci a iné pohromy – Robert Beutelhauser

Ďalší diel edície Naše hrôzyplné dejiny čitateľom overeným odľahčeným spôsobom približuje udalosti, ktoré nasledovali po bitke pri Moháči. Detskí milovníci histórie sa dozvedia nielen to, ako Turci drancovali krajinu, ale aj to, za čo všetko im vďačíme. Pri čítaní si budú lámať hlavu nad tým, kto boli kuruci a kto labanci, spoznajú, prečo sa artikulárne kostoly volajú tak, ako sa volajú, zistia, v ktorom slovenskom meste bolo upálených najviac čarodejníc, v akej bitke zomreli štyria členovia Esterháziovského rodu. No a na záver nahliadnu do slovenskej siene slávy. Pútavý text Roberta Beutelhausera je prešpikovaný šťavnatými ilustráciami Katky Slaninkovej, ktoré rúcajú školské predstavy o histórii.

Textilná tvorba a design v 20. – 21. storočí – Zuzana Šidlíková

Publikácia predstavuje dôležité témy textilnej produkcie od začiatku 20. storočia až po nové technológie 21. storočia s dôrazom najmä na autorskú textilnú tvorbu, ale i textilný priemyselný dizajn. Ponúka základný prehľad o dôležitých osobnostiach odboru v Československu i vo svete aj informácie o inštitúciách a podnikoch, ktoré sa podieľali na navrhovaní, výrobe či predaji textilných produktov. Venuje sa tiež zásadným pedagogickým inštitúciám rozhodujúcim pre vývoj textilnej tvorby. Súčasťou je historický vývoj najdôležitejších textilných závodov a charakteristika priemyselnej výroby na Slovensku od jej začiatkov v 19. storočí až po súčasnosť. Publikácia približuje širšie spoločensko-kultúrne kontexty, zásadné pre celkový vývoj slovenského úžitkového umenia, a stáva sa tak vítaným zdrojom pre všetkých so záujmom o textilnú tvorbu a dizajn u nás.

František Horniak Svet známok – Antónia Paulinyová

Monografia František Horniak približuje širokej verejnosti ryteckú a známkovú tvorbu jedného z prvých slovenských oceľorytcov, ktorého tvorba dosiahla v súčasnosti najvýznamnejšie medzinárodné ocenenie v oblasti tvorby známok. Bohatým obrazovým materiálom dokumentujúcim Horniakovu ryteckú tvorbu. Autorka A. Paulinyová predstavuje dielo umelca a súčasne ponúka pohľad na tvorbu známkovej oceľorytiny, špecifickej ryteckej disciplíny, ktorej história sa na Slovensku začala písať až v posledných desaťročiach minulého storočia. Publikácia obsahuje biografiu, súpis výstav, zoznam ocenení, katalóg rytín, zoznam vyobrazení a výberovú bibliografiu. Text publikácie je v slovenskom i v anglickom jazyku.

Grázlik Gabo superstar – Francesca Simon

V ďalšom pokračovaní príbehov o Grázlikovi Gabovi sa dozvieme, čo musí malý chalan podstúpiť, aby sa dostal na rockový koncert, čo môžete zažiť na pyžamovej párty Náladovej Nade a kam zmizla Vilkova obľúbená hračka. Hurá! Decká v škole majú napísať vlastný životopis a Gabo má opäť príležitosť predviesť sa v plnej paráde. Škoda len, že veci sa opäť zvrtnú celkom iným smerom, ako si ich naplánoval.

Grázlik Gabo a kliatba múmie – Francesca Simon

V ďalších štyroch príbehoch o Grázlikovi Gabovi sa dozvieme, prečo sa neoplatí podvádzať v škole, čo s malým chalanom dokáže urobiť zberateľská vášeň a aké tajomstvo skrýva zlatý ufónik. Na plavárni nastane poplach, pretože sa v bazéne zrazu objaví žralok, Gabo zistí, že predsa len vie plávať a získa vytúžené vyznamenanie. Okrem toho Vilko s mamou padnú do spárov zákernej múmie a jediný, kto ich môže vyslobodiť je – Grázlik Gabo!

Hello Design! – autor neuvedený

A design can be as small as a toothbrush . . .or as BIG as a skyscraper. Every design starts in someone's imagination - an imagination just like yours. Travel through one day and discover how the world around you has been designed - even though we don't always realise it! Question HOW everyday items have been designed, and WHY they look the way they do.Guaranteed to make you see the world a little differently, pick up your pencil and imagine your own designs. What will you design?With facts and questions to inspire all budding designers and get creative minds whirring - and featuring iconic designs from the enthusiasts at the V&,amp,A.

The Tyrant’s Tomb The Trials of Apollo Book 4 – autor neuvedený

The fourth book in Rick Riordan's The Trial of Apollo series. The bestselling top 10 hardback, now available in paperback!Things are getting very bad, very fast, for Apollo . .. The former God Apollo is having a pretty rough time of it. Well, for one thing, he's been turned into a human and banished from Olympus.And he's called Lester. But being an awkward mortal teenager is the least of his worries right now. Though he and some of his friends have emerged from the Burning Maze, rescued the Oracle and lived to fight another day, they can't escape the tragedy that has befallen them, or the terrible trials still to face.So, with heavy heart, Apollo (OK, Lester) and Meg have a triumvirate still to defeat, oracles to rescue, and prophecies to decipher, so that the world may be saved, and Lester may ascend into the heavens to become Apollo once again. But, right now, Caligula is sailing to San Francisco to deal with Camp Jupiter personally, and they have to get there first. Failure would mean its destruction .

Silver Sparrow – autor neuvedený

A breathtaking tale of family secrets, from the international bestselling author of An American MarriageA Most Anticipated Book for 2020 according to The Sunday Times, the FT and the Guardian'My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist.'This is the story of a man's deception, a family's complicity, and the two teenage girls caught in the middle. James Witherspoon has two families, one public, the other a closely guarded secret. But when his daughters meet and form a friendship, only one of them knows the truth.Theirs is a relationship destined to explode. Silver Sparrow is the stunning new novel from the critically acclaimed winner of the 2019 Women's Prize for Fiction, one of the most important writers of her generation.

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – autor neuvedený

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars is a masterful epic science fiction novel from the New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of the Inheritance Cycle, Christopher Paolini. Kira Navarez dreamed of life on new worlds Now she's awakened a nightmare During a routine survey mission on an uncolonized planet, Kira finds an alien relic. At first she's delighted, but elation turns to terror when the ancient dust around her begins to move.As war erupts among the stars, Kira is launched into a galaxy-spanning odyssey of discovery and transformation. First contact isn't at all what she imagined, and events push her to the very limits of what it means to be human. While Kira faces her own horrors, Earth and its colonies stand upon the brink of annihilation.Now, Kira might be humanity's greatest and final hope . . .Praise for Christopher Paolini and his work: 'Christopher Paolini is a true rarity' - Washington Post'An authentic work of great talent' - New York Times Book Review'A breathtaking and unheard of success' - USA Today'Christopher Paolini make[s] literary magic' - People

Voyager, English Version – autor neuvedený

Outer space = infinite fascination! A delight for space fans and experts alike, this book is your unique guide to the legendary Voyager missions. After the worldwide success of Apollo VII-XVII, the authors again scoured the NASA archives to gather all the key facts and discoveries of this interstellar spacecraft, including previously unpublished information. First launched in 1977, the twin Voyager 1 and 2 space- craft have significantly expanded our knowledge of space, corrected many scientific theses and, last but not least, produced the most distant image of the earth: the famous ",Pale Blue Dot.",

Minecraft Survival Sticker Book : An Official Minecraft Book from Mojang – autor neuvedený

The only official sticker book created in collaboration with Mojang! Take your first steps into the Overworld, and learn all about the perils that await with this official Mojang activity book, filled with survival tips, secret tricks and hundreds of stickers. Discover which hostile mobs are best avoided, learn how to build an epic base, and find out where to locate the best blocks and items by completing the exciting activities inside. With so much to do, there's enough to keep young Minecrafters busy for hours! Collect all of the official Minecraft books to become the best Minecrafter you can be: Minecraft Guide to Exploration Minecraft Guide to Creative Minecraft Guide to Redstone Minecraft Guide to The Nether and the End Minecraft Mobestiary Minecraft Survival Tin Minecraft The Survivors' Book of Secrets Minecraft: Exploded Builds: Medieval Fortress Minecraft Blockopedia Mojang is the Swedish video game developer that introduced the world to Minecraft, the gaming sensation built upon blocks.Markus 'Notch' Persson founded the company so that he could give up his day job and go into full-time Creative Mode with his best friend Carl Manneh. The alpha version of Minecraft was launched in 2009, and the official game went on sale in 2011. Since then 70 million copies have been sold.It is now the third best-selling video game of all time. Mojang HQ has also developed Scrolls, Cobalt, and Crown and Council. Mojang was bought by Microsoft in 2014, but remains the hub of the Minecraft empire.

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages – autor neuvedený

The brilliant and beloved gang from the New York Times bestselling series is back -- and ready to face new threats, dangerous dilemmas, and irresistible adventures. &,nbsp,The Mysterious Benedict Society is a modern classic, drawing comparisons to J.K. Rowling and Roald Dahl, named a Time magazine ",Best Young Adult Book of All Time,", and selling over three million copies. Some time has passed since the inimitable quartet of Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance have had a mission together.But with the arrival of a new Society member -- and a new threat -- they must reunite to face dilemmas more dangerous than ever before, including the villainous Mr. Curtain and a telepathic enemy tracking their every move, not to mention a dramatically preteen Constance.In its triumphant return, the Society encounters all new challenges, but the series' trademark sly humor, sweet camaraderie, hairsbreadth escapes, and mind-bending puzzles are all as engaging as ever. Fans of the series will be thrilled to see the Society has grown up a little with them, while a new generation of readers will fall in love with this irresistible series.

Dance with Dragons: Dreams and Dust – George R. R. Martin, Harper Voyager

ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: DREAMS AND DUST is the FIRST part of the fifth volume in the series. In the aftermath of a colossal battle, new threats are emerging from every direction. Tyrion Lannister, having killed his father, and wrongfully accused of killing his nephew, King Joffrey, has escaped from King's Landing with a price on his head. To the north lies the great Wall of ice and stone - a structure only as strong as those guarding it. Eddard Stark's bastard son Jon Snow has been elected 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. But Jon has enemies both inside and beyond the Wall. And in the east Daenerys Targaryen struggles to hold a city built on dreams and dust.