Zobrazených 73–96 z 16378 výsledkov

Feast of Crows – George R. R. Martin, Harper Voyager

HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A FEAST FOR CROWS is the fourth volume in the series. The Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne. The war in the Seven Kingdoms has burned itself out, but in its bitter aftermath new conflicts spark to life. The Martells of Dorne and the Starks of Winterfell seek vengeance for their dead. Euron Crow's Eye, as black a pirate as ever raised a sail, returns from the smoking ruins of Valyria to claim the Iron Isles. From the icy north, where Others threaten the Wall, apprentice Maester Samwell Tarly brings a mysterious babe in arms to the Citadel. As plots, intrigue and battle threaten to engulf Westeros, victory will go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel and the coldest hearts.

Rezistencia – Veronica Roth

Exkluzívne zberateľské vydanie najpopulárnejšej dystopickej série Divergencia - Rezistencia - Experiment s bombastickým bonusovým materiálom. Toto vydanie by nemalo chýbať v knižnici žiadneho fanúšika a knihomoľa! Tris prežila brutálny útok na svoju pôvodnú frakciu. Cena za prežitie je priveľká. Nová budúcnosť sa jej protiví, a tak sa radšej utápa v žiali a sebaobviňovaní. V mysliach a dušiach frakcií sa rozhostil nepokoj a napätie medzi preživšími každým dňom narastá. Konflikt je už takmer neodvratný - a v čase hroziaceho boja, si musí každý zvoliť jednu stranu barikády, odhaliť najhlbšie tajomstvá a zžiť sa s činmi, ktoré už nemožno zvrátiť. Toto zberateľské vydanie obsahuje bonusový materiál: poviedku Slobodu Štyrimu - Ako to videl Tobias, rozhovor s Veronicou Roth, esej Veronicy Roth o smrti postáv, zoznam piesní, ktoré počúvala Veronica Roth počas písania Divergencie a Rezistencie, tipy a triky ako usporiadať párty v štýle každej frakcie a plagát, ktorý je súčasťou obálky!

The Revolution of Birdie Randolph – autor neuvedený

From Stonewall Award winner Brandy Colbert comes a novel about first love, family, and hidden secrets that will stay with you long after turning the last page.Dove ",Birdie", Randolph works hard to be the perfect daughter and follow the path her parents have laid out for her: She quit playing her beloved soccer, she keeps her nose buried in textbooks, and she's on track to finish high school at the top of her class. But then Birdie falls hard for Booker, a sweet boy with a troubled past . .. whom she knows her parents will never approve of.When her estranged aunt Carlene returns to Chicago and moves into the family's apartment above their hair salon, Birdie notices the tension building at home. Carlene is sweet, friendly, and open-minded -- she's also spent decades in and out of treatment facilities for addiction.As Birdie becomes closer to both Booker and Carlene, she yearns to spread her wings. But when long-buried secrets rise to the surface, everything she's known to be true is turned upside down.

The Fire Keeper – autor neuvedený

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents J.C. Cervantes' fiery and fast-paced sequel to The Storm Runner. Zane Obispo has an impossible choice to make: save other godborns like him from the angry gods, or rescue his father Hurakan from his eternal prison.Zane Obispo's new life on a beautiful secluded tropical island, complete with his family and closest friends, should be perfect. But he can't control his newfound fire skills yet (inherited from his father, the Maya god Hurakan), there's a painful rift between him and his dog ever since she became a hell hound, and he doesn't know what to do with his feelings for Brooks. One day he discovers that by writing the book about his misadventures with the Maya gods, he unintentionally put other godborn children at risk. Unless Zane can find the godborns before the gods do, they will be killed. To make matters worse, Zane learns that Hurakan is scheduled to be executed. Zane knows he must rescue him, no matter the cost. Can he accomplish both tasks without the gods detecting him, or will he end up a permanent resident of the underworld?In this cleverly plotted sequel to The Storm Runner, the gang is back together again with spirited new characters, sneaky gods, Aztec royalty, unlikely alliances, and secrets darker than Zane could ever have imagined. Secrets that will change him forever.

Dejiny Bratislavy I – autor neuvedený

Brezalauspurc - na križovatke kultúr je prvá z piatich častí rozsiahlej monografie o dejinách Bratislavy a jej regiónu od prvých stôp osídlenia do konca 20. storočia. V obsiahlom prvom zväzku podáva tím renomovaných vedeckých pracovníkov komplexné dejiny mesta od praveku do raného stredoveku. Históriu mesta a jeho obyvateľov zaraďujú autori do širšieho kontextu a poukazujú na úzku zviazanosť s okolitými regiónmi nielen na Slovensku, ale aj s dejinami susediacich regiónov Rakúska, Maďarska a Česka. Venujú sa dejinám osídlenia mesta, sociálnej aj politickej situácii daného obdobia, vojnovým udalostiam i bežnému životu v širšom okolí dnešnej Bratislavy. Bohatý ilustračný materiál spolu s erudovaným textom predstavuje zaujímavý dobový obraz mesta od nálezov stôp prvých osád až po Prešporok a Prešporákov v 12. storočí. Publikácia bude mať prílohu DVD s mapami, doplnkovým obrazovým materiálom, s plánmi vybraných lokalít a s resumé v nemeckom jazyku.

Georg Baselitz – autor neuvedený

A prolific artist with a protean output, Georg Baselitz has rethought the conventions of a range of media, predominantly painting and sculpture, over the course of a career of some sixty years. Born in 1938, Baselitz was expelled from art school in East Berlin in 1956 for 'socio-political immaturity', and moved to the western half of the city. By the late 1950s, he had rejected the dominant tendencies of both sides of the country and his singular achievement was to reintroduce the figure, compromised and discredited though it was by both Nazism and Communism, into art.By drawing attention to art by 'outsiders', such as psychiatric patients, and invoking a Parisian model of existentialist art and literature, Baselitz proposed an alternative European tradition that did not eliminate the human subject. In alluding later to movements in German painting such as Expressionism as well as to artists like Munch, he also consciously rehabilitated the kind of art that was condemned by Hitler as 'degenerate'. The book follows the development of Baselitz's unique style from his earliest work through to the most recent creations of his eighth decade.Calvocoressi's masterful construction of a chronological narrative helps us to evaluate Baselitz's work in terms of the disruptions of his life - historical upheavals witnessed alongside an astonishing career.

Atlas of Amazing Architecture – autor neuvedený

This atlas of architectural wonders eschews the classic children's book fare of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal, and instead takes a broader view of what constitutes amazing architecture. Buildings include: the Jameh mosque of Isfahan? in Iran, Native American plank houses in New Mexico, Stave Churches in Norway, The Djinguereber mosque in Mali, and extraordinary 18th century wooden churches on Kizhi Island, Russia. Over 50 buildings span all the continents equally throughout history.Each of these buildings is visually striking and architecturally noteworthy, they introduce new engineering technologies or define a movement or capture the essence of a moment in human history. They epitomise the ambition and vison of an architect or a patron. But although most of them have been recognized by UNESCO or other agencies, they are not part of the main Western architectural canon.This book seeks out a more diverse, inclusive approach to what constitutes amazing architecture, and presents it with fresh illustration and clear, punchy text.

Barbarskí Slovania – Robert Beutelhauser

Nielen svetová história je hrôzostrašná, príšerná, nechutná a... zaujímavá. Aj na našom území sa diali čudesné veci. Kde sme sa tu vzali? Čo nám na našom území zanechali hrozní Avari? Prečo sa ľudia báli Perúna? Kto boli trojjazyčníci? Koľko hrivien stojí táto kniha? Okrem odpovedí na tieto otázky si v hrôzostrašných slovanských dejinách prečítate aj o hľadaní Veľkej Moravy, o tom, čím sa Slovania opíjali a ako sa zabávali a veľa ďalšieho.

Jam Session – Jiří Slíva – Jiří Slíva

Titul i podtitul knížky – Blues, Bop and Bach, dávají tušit, že kreslíř Jiří Slíva nás tentokrát zavede do světa hudby. Ukazuje řadu absurdních a groteskních situací, do kterých se, za jistých podmínek, mohou dostat pianisti, dirigenti, saxofonisti a další muzikanti v jazzu i klasice. Kniha obsahuje přes stovku černobílých kreseb i barevných grafik.

Rezistencia – Veronica Roth

Jedno rozhodnutie ťa môže zmeniť alebo zničiť. Každé rozhodnutie má však svoje dôsledky a po napätí, ktoré vzniklo medzi frakciami, sa Tris Priorová snaží zachrániť seba a tých, ktorých miluje. Zápasí s ničivými otázkami o smútku a odpustení, identite a oddanosti, politike a láske. Iniciačná ceremónia Neohrozenosti mala byť pre Tris dňom osláv a radosti, no skončila sa krvavými bojmi. V mysliach a dušiach frakcií sa rozhostil nepokoj, napätie každým dňom narastá. Tris stojí pred výzvou. Aby pomohla sebe a ostatným, musí naplno rozvinúť svoju divergenciu, aj keď nevie, čo všetko tým môže stratiť.

Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold – George R. R. Martin, Harper Voyager

HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS: BLOOD AND GOLD is the SECOND part of the third volume in the series. The Starks are scattered. Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive. Meanwhile, across the ocean, Daenerys Stormborn, the last heir of the Dragon King, delivers death to the slave-trading cities of Astapor and Yunkai as she approaches Westeros with vengeance in her heart.

Game of Thrones – George R. R. Martin, Harper Voyager

HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A GAME OF THRONES is the first volume in the series. Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. As Warden of the north, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse when King Robert bestows on him the office of the Hand. His honour weighs him down at court where a true man does what he will, not what he must ...and a dead enemy is a thing of beauty. The old gods have no power in the south, Stark's family is split and there is treachery at court. Worse, the vengeance-mad heir of the deposed Dragon King has grown to maturity in exile in the Free Cities. He claims the Iron Throne.

I See a City: Todd Webbs New York – autor neuvedený

I See a City: Todd Webb's New York focuses on the work of photographer Todd Webb produced in New York City in the 1940s and 1950s. Webb photographed the city day and night, in all seasons and in all weather. Buildings, signage, vehicles, the passing throngs, isolated figures, curious eccentrics, odd corners, windows, doorways, alleyways, squares, avenues, storefronts, uptown and downtown, from the Brooklyn Bridge to Harlem.He created a richly textured portrait of the everyday life and architecture of New York. Webb's work is clear, direct, focused, layered with light and shadow, and captures the soul of these places shaped by the friction and frisson of humanity. A native of Detroit, Webb studied photography in the 1930s under the guidance of Ansel Adams at the Detroit Camera Club, served as a navy photographer during World War II, and then went on to become a successful postwar photographer.His work is in many museum collections, including The Museum of Modern Art in New York and the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Harry Gruyaert: India – autor neuvedený

A showcase of Magnum photographer Harry Gruyaert's photographs of India.

Rainbow Baby – autor neuvedený

Baby's crying! One by one each member of the family tries to console her, but nothing seems to work. Only when the family work together do they finally manage to make her smile again. This board book uses bold colours and a unique format, where each page is an overlapping semi-circular shape to create baby's and her family's faces.The appearing and disappearing faces throughout the book's pages are a nod to peek-a-boo games and will encourage toddlers to be involved and interested. When closed shut, the book's pages come together to form a giant rainbow, meaning that the book can be displayed frontally as a glorious decoration piece on the shelf.

Scottish Art – autor neuvedený

What makes Scottish art Scottish? In this now classic text, Murdo Macdonald explores the distinctive characteristics of Scottish art over the centuries - such as the heritage of Celtic design with its emphasis on intricate pattern, the importance of the landscape, particularly the Highlands and the sea, and a close connection with France. It ranges from the earliest art to survive - Neolithic standing stones - through the art of the Picts and Gaels, and the tumultuous centuries of the Reformation, to the great flowering of Scottish art in the Enlightenment. The final chapters focus closely on art produced since 1900, with succinct and revealing analyses of the Scottish Colourists and the major figures of contemporary art in all media.Masterpieces from the Book of Kells to paintings by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Joan Eardley are illustrated in full colour, and such key works are set in a clearly explained historical context throughout. At a time when issues of Scottish identity are the subject of fierce debate, Macdonald's lucid and deeply researched book makes a significant contribution to the understanding of Scotland's artistic past and present.

PALETTE mini 06: Transparent – autor neuvedený

Since it was first released, the original PALETTE series has been an instrumental source of colour-themed references for designers around the world. 8 editions later, in keeping with the demands of today's creative practitioners, PALETTE mini books were introduced at the end of 2019 as flip-friendly versions of their originals - redesigned into a compact size with minimal layouts for instant inspiration. By manipulating the sense of absence and presence, transparency is a powerful attribute that can lure viewers into exploring what lies beneath and beyond a surface.Featuring additional projects that play with opacity, transparency, and everything in between in clever ways, PALETTE mini 06 - Transparent is a compelling collection of work from around the world that showcases how transparency is being reinterpreted and rejuvenated in design.

Cezanne: The Drawings – autor neuvedený

Cézanne at his most modern: a major career-spanning appraisal of his extraordinarily experimental drawingsAlthough he is most often celebrated as a painter, Paul Cézanne's extraordinary vision was fueled by his experiments on paper. In pencil and watercolor, on individual sheets and across the pages of sketchbooks, the artist described form through multiple probing lines, realized compositions through repetitions and transformations, and conjured kaleidoscopic color through layering of watercolor. It is in these material realities of drawing where we see Cézanne at his most modern: embracing the unfinished, making process visible and actively inviting the viewer to participate in the act of perception. Published to accompany a major exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, this is the most significant effort to date to unite drawings from across Cézanne's entire career, tracing the development of his practice on paper, exploring working methods that transcend subject, and devoting both curatorial and conservation-based research to these remarkable works.

Pohoda na balkóne – Mascha Schacht

Publikácia je určená pre všetkých, ktorí bývajú v mestskom byte bez záhradky a túžia po pestovaní vlastného ovocia či zeleniny. Je rozdelená podľa ročných období a ponúka všetky potrebné informácie, aby ste úspešne zvládli záhradkárčenie uprostred mesta. Dozviete sa, ako na balkóne či v átriu pestovať kvety, bylinky, zeleninu i ovocie. V knihe nájdete prehľad najvhodnejších rastlín a plodín, detailné postupové fotografie, zoznamy pomôcok a tiež užitočné tipy aj rady.

Brand New. Nová podoba značek – autor neuvedený

Jaká je budoucnost značek a brandingu? Znamená globalizace, že různorodost a jedinečnost budou působením obřích nadnárodních společností postupně vymazány ze světa? Začnou se snad všechna místa na naší planetě podobat jedno druhému jako vejce vejci? Fascinující kniha Wallyho Olinse se zabývá všemi podstatnými aspekty světa brandingu. Se svým typickým pronikavým stylem analyzuje problémy, kterým dnes čelí firmy, kritizuje jejich chybné kroky, a chválí ty, které podle všeho efektivně budují a vedou značky v našem novém světě. Zároveň se zamýšlí nad budoucností brandingu. Tato kniha je nepostradatelná pro každého, kdo se zajímá o marketing, obchod nebo současnou kulturu.

Ako vysvetliť svet. Objav modernej vedy – Steven Weinberg

Kniha Ako vysvetliť svet je fascinujúcou správou o tom, ako dejiny fyziky ovplyvnili naše uvažovanie a vývoj ľudstva. Nositeľ Nobelovej ceny za fyziku Steven Weinberg, sprevádza čitateľov od antického Milétu cez stredoveký Oxford a katedrálnu školu v Chartres až po najnovšie výskumy v CERN-e. Ukazuje, že antickí a stredovekí bádatelia nielenže nevedeli o svete to, čo vieme dnes, ale ani nechápali, čo znamená svetu rozumieť alebo ako toto pochopenie dosiahnuť. Weinberg skúma historické zápasy i spoluprácu fyziky so súperiacimi oblasťami - náboženstvom, technikou, poéziou, matematikou a filozofiou. Publikácia sprostredkúva pohľad súčasného vedca na prácu svojich predchodcov a objasňuje, akú dlhú a náročnú cestu prešla fyzika, kým sa stala vedou, ako ju poznáme dnes.

Karen M. Mcmanus Box Set – autor neuvedený

",When it comes to YA suspense, Karen M. McManus is in a league of her own.", (EW) A must-have for everylibrary, this 2-book box set includes the New York Times bestseller, One of Us Is Lying and its sequel One of Us Is Next.Pay close attention and you might solve this. One of Us Is LyingFive students walk into detention, and only four walk out.According to investigators, the last student's death wasn't an accident. He was planning to post juicy reveals about all four of his classmates the next day, which makes them each suspects. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who's still on the loose?One of Us Is NextA ton of copycat gossip apps have popped up since Simon died, but in the year after no one's been able to fill the gossip void quite like he could.The problem is no one has the facts. Until now. This time it's not an app, though--it's a game.Truth or Dare. And if you're smart, you'll always take the dare.

What to Watch When – autor neuvedený

Answering the eternal question... WHAT TO WATCH NEXT? Looking for a box set to get your adrenaline racing or to escape to a different era? In need of a good laugh to lift your spirits? Hunting for a TV show that the whole family can watch together?If you're feeling indecisive about your next binge-watching session, we've done the hard work for you. Featuring 1,000 carefully curated reviews written by a panel of TV connoisseurs, What To Watch When offers up the best show suggestions for every mood and moment.

Anticorruption – autor neuvedený

Winning the anticorruption battle: a guide for citizens and politicians.The phenomenon of corruption has existed since antiquity, from ancient Mesopotamia to our modern-day high-level ethical morass, people have sought a leg up, a shortcut, or an end run to power and influence. In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Robert Rotberg, a recognized authority on governance and international relations, offers a definitive guide to corruption and anticorruption, charting the evolution of corruption and offering recommendations on how to reduce its power and spread. The most important component of anticorruption efforts, he argues, is leadership that is committed to changing dominant political cultures.Rotberg explains that corruption is the conversion of a public good into personal gain--either by the exchange of cash for influence or by the granting of special favors even without explicit payments. He describes successful anticorruption efforts in countries ranging from Denmark and Sweden to Canada and Costa Rica, and discusses the roles of judicial systems, investigative journalism, multinational corporations, and technological advances. He shows how the United States has become more corrupt than before, and contrasts recent US and Canadian experiences.Without sufficient political will to eliminate corruption, it persists. Rotberg outlines thirteen practical steps for battling corruption, including removing holdover officials tainted by corruption and the public declaration of financial assets by elected officials and appointees.